If anyone tells you they have found the secret to work life balance, they are probably giving you false hope. Finding balance is an everyday juggling act and the formula to achieve this balance changes constantly.
I relaunched my blog at the same time I started a rigorous new position at my job in corporate retail. It has been challenging, but a great growth journey as well. I’ve been able to discover new passions, make connections with new people (yay DBC!), and it’s helping me determine what I really want to do in my life.
As a newer blogger with a full-time job, late nights are the norm. Work life balance is on my mind quite frequently. These are some of the things I remind myself as encouragement to keep going:
Make time for yourself!
For me, doing things outside of blog work and work-work is so essential. I have to take some down time for reality tv, reading a book, or playing Two Dots on my iPhone. Even if it’s just an hour, that time allows me to not worry about anything else while I get a few minutes of enjoyment. I’m a simple girl so it doesn’t take much. Once I’ve had a little me-time, I find it easier to get back to work.
Structure is key.
Set aside blocks of time for each task you need to complete so that you have a gauge if you are ahead or behind schedule on what needs to be done. Estimate how long it will take you to finish a task, like doing the dishes in 30 minutes or uploading/editing images for the week in an hour, and see if you can beat that time.
Motto: “It’s a marathon, not a sprint!“
Create lists!
Lists are so important to helping me achieve balance. I have my task list at work where I check things off like your standard to-do list. Then my blogging and business list is a rolling list of things I would like to work on, bloggers to reach out to, and events to cover. I actually have multiple lists for each area of my life. Brunch lists, shopping, Christmas lists, etc. The Evernote app is my go-to where I keep them all in a handy spot for quick access on my phone or laptop. Using an app to keep your thoughts all in one place is a great way to keep record of all your great ideas!
Enjoy the process.
If you aren’t having fun, stop. While not everyday will be butterflies and roses, you should have an overall good feeling about the work you are doing. If that is not the case, then find a new passion. Don’t complain about where you are at, just work on a strategy to make it to an environment that will make you happy.
Quoted: “Welcome changed plans.“
Reward yourself.
Set goals for yourself and assign rewards to them so you have something to look forward to. I tell myself, “if I do an hour of work on xyz, then I can watch the latest episode of The Real Housewives of Wherever.” Your treat could be a Starbucks run or even a nap. That way, you feel accomplished by getting through your list and also get a reward and a mini-break to celebrate!
My final suggestion is to create the life you want to live. So many people have found a niche to offer a product, service, or design app that people needed and responded to. In our current world, we have the freedom to make our own path. The beauty of it is that your path will look like no one else’s so don’t get caught up in the comparison game.
Check out these other great bloggers & their stories on finding a balance:
Bake Love Give
Jasmine Crockett
Ware is the Vodka?
Oh So Cynthia
Southern Elle Style
The Charm Scout
Stephanie Drenka
Gelie Beans & Sparkly Things
Take some time to reflect, really think about your work-life balance and how you can work towards your goals. Please share your tips as well, I’d love to know!
And as always, remember to…
xoxo. | cymone.
photo via Ashley Ella Design
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