The summer season means more time for leisure & lounging, whether it’s early morning on a patio or out in the sun by the pool. One of the best things to do with leisure time is to read. Categorizing myself as a “reader”, I love to pick up a good book and basically binge read until I finish.
In high school I had a mini-library going. My brother and I would love it when our mom took us to Half Price Books. We used to spend hours in the store building piles of books to take home. (actually, we still do) In college it was more about reading textbooks for class but I still caught up on my novels during summer break. And now in the post-college career stage, my reading has been put on the back-burner (because: tv & sleep). For whatever reason I always find myself getting inspired to grab a few books to read during the start of a new year and in the summer.
If you want to know the background on why I love to read, here it goes: when I was growing up, my mother had this thing against toys. Not sure if they offended her or she had a bad experience with them but toys were not on the list of needs for our household. My mother even went so far as to request in our birthday party invites that no toys be given as gifts…BOOKS ONLY. As a five-year old, this is a traumatic situation. But I somehow got through it, by reading more and more. It turned out to be a very good thing so kudos and thanks to my mom.
With summer trips, a cruise, and extra-time off from work these are the books on my reading list:
Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live On Purpose.
by lara casey
the girl on the train
by paula hawkins
by sophia amoruso
I’ve got your number
by Sophie Kinsella
Leave Your Mark: Land Your Dream Job. Kill It in Your Career. Rock Social Media.
by Aliza Licht (aka @dknyprgirl)
The Knockoff: A Novel
by Lucy Sykes
Savor: Living abundantly where you are, as you are
by Shauna Niequist
Killing Monica
by Candace Bushnell

I’ve got a mix between books geared towards building a brand, a thriller, and fashion related novels. I can just picture myself on my rooftop patio spending some quality time in a book. I’m getting more and more excited to dive in as I type!
What do you think about this list? Tell me your suggestions & what books you’ll be reading this summer!