One hot bag that popped up this summer was the candy color Hermès Birkin bag. These iconic status bags will cost a pretty penny though. They range from $5,000 at the low end to over $50,000 depending on the type of materials used. The highest-quality leather is used in the bags and usually go up to about $8,000 depending on size. The most expensive bags use rare ostrich and crocodile skins. The Hermès Birkin is so special because it is hand-made of the finest materials. The stitching is impeccable and the sturdy hardware can last a lifetime if the bag is kept in good care.
Neon colors were popular this spring and summer and will continue to be the hot hues going into next spring. Many celebrites (especially the Kardashian sisters) have been spotted carrying these bags. Check out the pics below. I’m obsessed!
Khloe Kardashian with sister Kim Kardashian. Lime Birkin.
Kourtney Kardashian && cute baby Mason. Orange Birkin.
Singer Cassie in NYC. Turquoise Birkin.
Khloe Kardashian. Purple Birkin (anniversary present from hubby Lamar Odom).
Kim Kardashian. Lime (kiwi) Birkin.